KS3 Biology | test course not for sale

September 2022 – July 2023
35 Week Course (3 terms)

Only £58.40 per term!
(see payment plan below)



A one-year course (term time only) covering the KS3 Biology National Curriculum
and a little bit more!

  • Weekly, live, lessons online via zoom, approximately 55 minutes in duration, with an experienced tutor.
  • Small groups.
  • No prior knowledge required, just an interest in the science of life, particularly plants and humans.
  • Comprehensive notes provided.
  • Homework set and marked with feedback given.
  • Suggested independent tasks and extra learning resources.
  • Tutor can be contacted outside of lesson time for help and advice if needed.


Payment Plan:

The cost of each session is £6 and payments are scheduled as detailed below:

An initial payment of £70 is taken on the date the course is purchased.
A 2nd payment of £70 will taken 2 months after the initial purchase date.
A final payment of £70 will be taken 4 months after the initial purchase date.

Your payment schedule will be clearly visible on ‘my account’ page under the heading ‘your subscriptions’.


We kindly ask that you give us 4 weeks notice should you wish to cancel in order for us to be able to offer the space to another child. 

Joining Courses mid term:

The course is split into three full terms. If joining in the second term you will not be charged for the first term missed, although you will be charged the fixed instalment of £70 regardless of which week in that term you join . All lesson notes and work from the current term will be provided up to the point of joining. A final payment of £70 will then be taken 2 months after joining  to pay for the final term.

If joining in the third and final term, just one payment of £70 will be taken when purchasing a place on the course.


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